Museum of the Mummies

In the crypt of today’s church they created a cemetery-museum called the “Mum-mies of Terentillo, as due to a combination of particular elements such as the composition of the soil and the ventilated position, the buried corpses were mummified throughout these centuries. The mummies have been restored in the appropriate shrines and some even still have traces of clothing. The visitor that enters the fourteenth-century crypt is stunned by the play between the arches and the fresco’s from the century. the unreal event of these mummified bodies that in some cases have remains of hair, skin, teeth and in some cases the cause of death is announced. These bodies were found when the salms were uncovered inside the church. From that moment on, the mummification was studied for a long period of time. Scientists talked about the various scale, salts and even ammoniac that unites the ventilation and the decomposition of particular microorganisms that have dried out the skins of the bodies.